Wheel Repair New Hampshire

Kwicksilver provided wheel repair franchise in new hampshire they are well known repairing service provider in northern england.

Flow Car Care products

Kwicksilver used latest technology tools and parts in their repairing process.

Cosmatic Repair and polishing

Kwicksilver also provided polishing service with updated technology and its very low cost according to the market prices.

Powder coating Service

It is also a coating service to make your wheel rust free and shiny for a long time.

Wheel straightening

Kwicksilver is providing straightening which is the process for repairing bent parts to its original shapes and size.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Repair Vs. Replace – What To Do with Your Damaged Wheels

Opting for repairs can be the perfect solution if you want to save on the overall maintenance cost of your car. Depending on the damage that the wheel has incurred and on the material used for the rims, the maintenance and the cost may vary. There are many different types of rims available, from chrome to OED; and some wheel repair companies can handle all types, like KwickSilver of Northern New England. Wheel repair experts can assess the damage on any type of rim and restore it back to factory settings to look like new.
Repairing and replacement of wheels is a hot topic of discussion in the automobile industry. Since all wheel damage situations do not demand replacement, and not all wheel damage can be repaired, it is important to have your wheel examined by a professional who can guide you to the right solution. Sometimes the damage of the wheels is so extensive that replacement is the only suitable option. Whereas, if your wheel has gotten curb rash or the color has faded off the rims, you can have it retouched by the wheel care professionals who are familiar with wheel repairing, and have extensive knowledge and modern technology to put to use.

Alloy Wheel Repair

Repairing damaged wheels rather than replacing them is a cost effective solution, and also reduces the overall maintenance cost for your car. Get alloy wheel repair done only by the experts who are familiar with all kinds of rims and have the resources to make the wheel look like a brand new one. Contact the KwickSilver of Northern New England wheel repair experts who have experienced all types of wheels and damage to get the job done right.

For information on wheel repairs and the service and maintenance KwickSilver wheel repair pros can provide, visit the Kwickrims website at www.kwickrims.com or call at 603-571-7467 to speak with a professional today.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Get Your Bent Rims Straightened by a Quality Wheel Repair Company

Imagine this. You are going for a long ride in your car, andyou speed up because the road is clear. After driving for a few minutes, you suddenly hit a hole, feel a jerk and startle to bring your car to a halt to check what is wrong. When you get out of the car to look, you find that not only there is a pothole, but your wheelhas been damaged and bent from the impact. You might think that these things happen and you can just let it go, but it is important to deal with bent rims and wheel damage immediately after it occurs. 
wheel repair nh

Problems such as scrapes, wheel damages and bent rims are common for drivers, and there are wheel repair companies to help fix them. Replacing your wheels should only be done when absolutely necessary, because wheel repair can fix many damages and straighten your wheels to original condition. While it might not be possible for you to avoid uneven roads or potholes, it is possible for you to repair your wheels more affordably than getting new ones. 

Experienced wheel repair companies have the knowledge and tools to assess wheel damage and figure out the best course of repair. The experts measure the specific area of damage utilizing patented technology and equipment and restore wheels to look like new.

When rims are bent, they assess the degree to which the rim has been bent, analyzes the severity of the bend, and prepares the best course of action with the right tools to straighten the wheel. At KwickSilver, experts provide the best wheel straightening NH services using innovative machinery to deliver the best results.KwickSilver repairmen willcome right to you for your convenience. You are sure to be satisfied by the level of dedication and perfection they show towards their work. Visit www.kwickrims.com for more information about wheel repair and rim straightening services.