Wheel Repair New Hampshire

Kwicksilver provided wheel repair franchise in new hampshire they are well known repairing service provider in northern england.

Flow Car Care products

Kwicksilver used latest technology tools and parts in their repairing process.

Cosmatic Repair and polishing

Kwicksilver also provided polishing service with updated technology and its very low cost according to the market prices.

Powder coating Service

It is also a coating service to make your wheel rust free and shiny for a long time.

Wheel straightening

Kwicksilver is providing straightening which is the process for repairing bent parts to its original shapes and size.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

4 Reasons Your DIY Rims Repair Failed

Have you ever hit the curb while parking the car?

That can be an excellent way to start your day.

As the rim repair NH puts it, minor curb damages are easy to repair – for people who are good in DIYs. However, for the unfortunate few – who are not very keen on handling the heavy tools needed for the job – repairing a damaged or scratched rim can become very difficult.

When you are not a DIY person, cosmetic repair of damage or dented wheels will need professional help. After all, neither you (the non-DIY type of guy) have the right tools to fix the dent nor you are aware of the methods to run the repair work.

In these cases, calling the cavalry is always recommended. The rim repair workshops can determine the amount of damage to the wheel, recommending you either repair or replacements. Additionally, many workshops run cosmetic repairs on the wheel making them look almost new. 

Why DIY rim repair fail most of the time?

Here are the four reasons –

1. Missing tools 
2. Lack of experience in running DIY repair 
3. Finding the right paint 
4. Takes a long time to accomplish

Most of us do not have the professional equipment to fix the car wheel at home. Moreover, these heavy tools and pliers are expensive. For an average car owner, buying these heavy tools for rim repair jobs might seem a bit far stretched.

Secondly, in case you do not have much experience in repairing the rims of the car – the chances of failure increases manifolds. With a higher possibility of error, investing money and time on a doomed project could not be an intelligent decision.

Also, DIY projects need time – finding the right equipment, the correct paint matching the rims, and several other factors – unfortunately most of us lack.

Thus, for most of us, DIY methods for fixing the rims are not possible.

What should we do?

The rim repair NH specialists, Kwick Silver, can help you in fixing the cracked, dented, or broken wheels. Reach them at http://www.kwickrims.com/ or call 603-571-7467 to book an appointment. They can help you in fixing the alloy rims - just send them a picture of your broken wheel – and you will receive a response asap.

Monday, 14 September 2020

4 Frequent Wheel Myths That Can Dent Your Wallet

Is driving your passion?

Or, a necessity?

Whatever, your reason be, the car has become essential for commuting. An average American (according to a report published in 2019) spends an average of eight hours of a week inside the car. Running from dropping the kids to school or buying groceries – you need your vehicle. Thus, keeping it up and running is crucial.

Usually, an average American each year spends thousands on fuel, engine oils, and car maintenance. However, as the wheel repair NH expert points out, we often ignore our car tires. These crucial components help the vehicles in moving forward and bears the load of the entire car. Most of us do not have a clue on what to do with the wheel, when its broken or damage.

A popular solution is to get it replaced at the dealership, which can cost a lot. But often simple repair work can fix the damages, making the wheel as good as new. Here are some of the common myth wheels-related myths, which can create a dent in your pocket.

Myth 1: For a smooth-running car, you have to replace all the wheels in one go

Truth: In reality, it is a marketing gimmick and does not have an ounce of reality in it. Or, else why should anyone suggest you replace sound working wheels. Trust your gut, and save some money by saying no to such marketing practices.

Myth 2: While replacing the two wheels at the same time, new tires should be installed in the front

A common practice, but completely unnecessary. In reality, brand new tries with thicker thread count always go in the rear axle of the car, even though you have an all-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, or rear-wheel-drive vehicle. The tires in the back provide stability and a much-needed grip on the road to avoid accidents. And, a thicker wheel can help you in the matter.

Myth 3: Overinflating the tires can lead to wheel failures and worse, exploding tires

The instances of exploding tires due to over-inflation are less unless you hit a curb or a pothole very hard. Most car wheels come with the recommended tire pressure indication markings and information in the manual and the tire sidewall. Also, over-inflated tires wear and tire easily. So to stay safe, do not exceed the recommended limit.

Myth 4: Valve caps do not stop the air from escaping from the tire

The job of the wheel valve cap is to prevent water and pollutants from entering the wheel. Unfortunately, these caps cannot keep the air from escaping. It is recommended to regularly monitor and inflate the tires to maintain the air pressure.


Yes, the wheels are a crucial component of the car and need regular checkups. If you are in Northern New England and are typing ‘wheel repair near me’ on your search engine bar, then you can take the help of Kwiksilver for the job. Visit http://www.kwickrims.com/ or call 603-571-7467 – to fox your tire woes.