Wheel Repair New Hampshire

Kwicksilver provided wheel repair franchise in new hampshire they are well known repairing service provider in northern england.

Flow Car Care products

Kwicksilver used latest technology tools and parts in their repairing process.

Cosmatic Repair and polishing

Kwicksilver also provided polishing service with updated technology and its very low cost according to the market prices.

Powder coating Service

It is also a coating service to make your wheel rust free and shiny for a long time.

Wheel straightening

Kwicksilver is providing straightening which is the process for repairing bent parts to its original shapes and size.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Five Signs of Damaged Rim You Should Know About

It is easy to hit a pothole when you’re driving or much worse. If you end up getting injured, you can blame it on the potholes or rugged roads but you will not be able to go back in time and change anything. The reason we would like to argue on is that you deserve to have control over your wheel repair services and find a reliable bent rim repair in NH. This is the only way you will escape severe car damage and regain the safety you deserve. 

Is a bent rim serious?

To put it bluntly, yes. Having a bent rim is a serious problem for you because the vibrations can turn out to be a serious problem for your car. The continued troubles can cause issues with your driveshaft. So, it is important to take the bent rim seriously so that it doesn’t cause any serious damage to you or your car. If you ever observe any issue with your car wheels, then get the car checked immediately. Here are few signs you should look for on your feelings before it becomes a bigger problem. 

Five signs of a bent rim

  • Visible Damage
  • Loss of tires
  • Poor braking
  • It’s going to feel like you’re driving on flat tires
  • Vibrations

How to Repair Rims?

  • You must have gone through various methods of rim straightening, but are those reliable? This is what you need to ask yourself before taking matters into your hand. 
  • Some straightening techniques just leave the rims weaker, so it is important to decide which one suits the kind of wheel damage you have until consulted with an expert.
  • It is mostly the heat-involved technique to straightening the rim that takes the limelight. It is simpler to bent rims from the inside with heat; this method will not only straighten the bent rim but also keep the wheels safe and undamaged. 

It is always wise to get your rims un-bent before it is too late. Getting your rim repaired is way cheaper than getting it replaced. If you are looking for a reliable service provider to help you get the bent rim repair in NH, then you can contact KwickSilver. Visit the website http://www.kwickrims.com   dial 603-571-7467 to make an arrangement. 

You will get a 100% guarantee for their service and a promise of quality. They have trained and skilled technicians to help you with any kind of wheel damage and provide you with a solution at an affordable rate. Dial today!

Monday, 22 March 2021

How to Recognize a Bent Rim?

There are countless ways to recognize a bent rim, but there are few common signs that will tell you about the deteriorating conditions of your wheels. You need to pay attention to the signs and you will be saved from the unnecessary long-term wheel issues. As for bent rim, wheel straightening in NH is common to take care of the problems before it gets bad. Here are some signs that will direct an error in the wheels.

  1. Unnecessary shaking of the steering
  2. Some visible damage
  3. It will feel like you’re driving on a flat tire
  4. Poor braking
  5. Low mileage

These can create a long-term problem if not checked on time, you have to notice the issues ion time if you don’t want them to turn into a bigger issue. If you want to get in touch with a reliable service provider, then contact KwickSilver by visiting http://www.kwickrims.com  or dial 603-571-7467 to know more about repair. They deliver suitable repair at an affordable price regardless of what complicated the wheel issues are. They deliver reliable
wheel straightening in NH for all kinds of damage.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Two Important Techniques for Wheel Straightening

Know that a professional technician has a solution for every car damage. If you are worried about your car repair, then knowing some of the important techniques and tips will be the best way to go. Let us tell you why damage occurs and what the professionals are suggesting.  

What causes wheel damage?

This is possibly the most asked question by car owner and anyone who is interested in cars. There are various reasons why a car goes through severe damage; the car can run through a pothole, manhole cover, curbed or uneven roads. It can show severe damage, if you want to save yourself from long-term damage, then start noticing the small problems with your car. We would like to give you two important techniques that will help in damage repair. Here are two important techniques for wheel straightening in NH.

     1. Cold roller technology

The cold roller technique is common with professional service providers and it has proved to be great for wheel straitening. They start the process by putting the powered roller against the damaged area and spin the wheel to straighten the bent wheel. This wheel straightening solution can be really helpful, the technique uses extreme pressure but it also has a high chance of cracking a wheel if the procedure is not carried out correctly. 

This is not the only super technique for wheel straightening. Another one is selling like a hot cake in the market and you must know it all. 

     2. Hydraulic assistance

This technique is a little complicated, however, it delivers the best result. This technique begins with the wheel kept on the rack and the center of the wheel is exposed so that it is ready with a dial gauge. Then a professional passes the heat using the hydraulic ram to straightening the bent area.

You might find this process to be a little complicated but it is simple if you have the right equipment and procedures. Get help from anywhere you can, however, just make sure, these kinds of complicated procedures are not done in your backyard. You must take some professional assistance. 


  • You must not wash a freshly reconditioned wheel for at least 24 hours.
  • It is important to wash the wheels with hands for the first 4 weeks.
  • Avoid the potholes and stay away from bumpy and rough roads. 
  • Try to keep all the warranty offers with you so that your repair charges are covered.
  • Start to notice your wheels for any kind of minor or major damage. 

If you truly love your car and want to get the wheel straightened in NH done, then get in touch with KwickSilver. They work with the latest equipment and techniques to recover the damage for a long-term benefit. Visit their website http://www.kwickrims.com or dial 603-571-7467 to make an arrangement.  You will not have any complaints after taking help from a trained professional. They repair your wheels for the long-term at a low price.