Wheel Repair New Hampshire

Kwicksilver provided wheel repair franchise in new hampshire they are well known repairing service provider in northern england.

Flow Car Care products

Kwicksilver used latest technology tools and parts in their repairing process.

Cosmatic Repair and polishing

Kwicksilver also provided polishing service with updated technology and its very low cost according to the market prices.

Powder coating Service

It is also a coating service to make your wheel rust free and shiny for a long time.

Wheel straightening

Kwicksilver is providing straightening which is the process for repairing bent parts to its original shapes and size.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Keeping my Dream Car Running Well

It has been my childhood dream to own a car. Now, after years of saving and searching, I bought a firsthand car for myself. I was very happy and have taken my family out more times than I can count. After months of happily driving, my brother decided to show up and asked to borrow my car. Though he had a driver’s license, he had a tendency to show off. Boys will be boys. When I returned home in the evening I was quite anxious to notice that my car was not in the garage. When I confronted my brother he told me he kept it hidden at his friend’s place. Without wasting any time I dragged him there and saw that the car rim was mangled and the front left wheel was flat.

The car took 10 years to buy and two months to be destroyed.My brother realized his mistake and called for mobile wheel repair services that were experts in rim straightening and alloy wheel repair. After this mishap, I was unwilling to believe him but I guess everyone makes mistakes.  More convincing was the team my brother called who left me rest-assured that they knew what to do.

My instinct was right. They were absolutely marvelous. They had the tools to measure exact severity of the damage and using the right equipment, they straightened the rim which seemed like the original one. As for the alloy wheel repair, they used extremely specialized wheel straightening machinery and their technicians were able to get the job done in no time. They did it so quickly and so efficiently that I felt as if a few seconds had just passed.

I was delighted with their services and recommend them to everyone. My brother made up for his mistake by calling for their mobile services. And the best part is he paid for the repairs! So if you are looking for alloy wheel repair services or rim straightening services, go for professional and mobile wheel repair agencies that can visit you onsite and get the job done to perfection. 

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Alloy Wheel Repair Service of KwickSilver

Monday, 9 June 2014

How To Get & Keep Your Wheels Damage-Free

Buying a car is one thing and maintaining it is a completely different story. More than a luxury nowadays cars have become a necessity and almost everybody owns a care if not two.  Unfortunately, using old-fashioned products and maintenance tricks will not work when dealing with newly designed and made alloy wheels. One has to buck up and take necessary steps to avoid any kind of damages at home or get them professionally repaired if need be. These professional repair franchises have upgraded their technology using modern equipments, and skills to analyze the problem on-site and sort it out in minutes.

Wheel repair has taken the tire industry by storm. Many agencies are providing mobile services to sort out any wheel issue or rim problem by reaching out to their customers onsite, analyzing the problem, finding out the technique that will best suit and recover the damage, using state of the art technology and skill and voila! the repair is done in no time. Various techniques are used and each technical issue has its specific service that will help to provide better servicing. Also, various environmentally-friendly products have also been introduced to keep the wheel from any harm.

Nowadays alloy wheels have substituted steel wheels. It is mainly because they give a good appearance to the car and possess a certain lightness which helps in the smooth running of the car. Many professional mobile tire repairing franchises are committed to provide high quality and warranted aluminum wheel repair services. It is an expanding business which calls for expert technicians to ensure preservation of wheels and training on how to go about the wheel issue.

Some of the tips that a car owner can use to regular clean and protect them are:
1) Begin cleaning a wheel when it is cool. You can also apply cool water on the wheels for quick cooling effect.
2) Using a mild non-acidic cleaner or soap will ensure durability of the tires for a longer period of time. It is better to use non-toxic materials so that the wheel is not exposed to any harmful chemicals.
3) Wax the wheels periodically for additional protection.
4) Measure the tire pressure when it is cold at least once a month.
5) Tire rotation will increase the longevity of tires and will improve traction and handling of your vehicle.
6) Get hold of a tire shining product that does not have harmful chemicals so that you can make your tires look brand new.

But if the condition is serious then you should go right to the professionals who are experts in dealing and sorting any kind of wheel repair, alloy wheel repair or an aluminum wheel repair. They give guaranteed servicing and assess the matter with very effective solutions.