Friday 6 March 2015

Should You Get Your Rims Repaired Or Buy New Ones?

It does not matter where you live, sooner or later you will face a road hazard that may damage your car’s wheels. It might be a pothole or a curb or anything else that can cause a hazard on the road.  These are just a couple of examples of things that can cause wheel damage that can lead to accidents later down the road.
To ensure that you are safe and that you car can handle traveling safely on the road; you need to make sure you keep your wheels in good condition and address any damage they may incur. This might entail contacting a wheel repair service aside from normal car maintenance appointments.

wheel repair

One thing you need to keep in mind is that everyone hits potholes. No matter how good a driver they are, inevitably every driver has hit one. The severity of the damage taken from a pothole bump may vary, but you will take damage. No matter what car you were driving when you drove into the pothole, whether it’s a Toyota Prius or a Dodge Charger, it will need repairs from the bump in the road. 

Luckily, more often than not, the damage done is not so severe. If you end up hitting a pothole with enough force however you could potentially end up bending or even cracking the rims of your wheels. You will be able to feel the effects of this through vibrations in the steering wheel.

Now while the tires themselves are not so expensive and can be bought for a relatively moderate fee, the rims are another matter. It doesn’t matter whether you have alloy rims or steel rims, you can easily save a lot of money by just doing a little work and determining whether you need to buy a new pair of rims or just repair them.

However, one thing you should keep in mind is that buying new rims will always cost you more than the cost you would have to pay than if you just had an experienced wheel repair specialist handle the rim straightening work.  If you need an experienced wheel repair professional in the Boston or Southern New Hampshire areas that provides mobile services, contact KwickSilver today at  


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