Tuesday 10 May 2022

How To Straighten A Bent Alloy Wheel?

Straightening a bent alloy wheel is more challenging than just picking up a hammer and pounding out the bent rim. The old ways are outdated and major issues like the bent rims require advanced solutions. What once have worked for the steel wheel damage might completely destroy an alloy wheel beyond repair. It is important to understand the crucial repair solution for wheel straightening NH. We assembled some of the important points that help in recognizing the damage and getting the necessary repair done.


These are some of the basic steps to be taken for a repair solution.

Follow three simple steps

The first step is to remove the wheel because there is no other way to fix the bent rim without removing the tire. The removal of the tire is also necessary because the usage of heat is important to repair the bent wheel. Leaving the tire on while straightening can cause damage.

  • It is true that just spinning a wheel on a balancing machine, for example, can help you see the wheel is bent but when it comes time to repair a bend in an alloy wheel properly then a gauge is a necessary tool to see where every bend is located (most bent wheels have more that one bend in them).
  • The second step is to keep the wheel attached on equipment with a gauge that will focus exactly where the wheels are bent. While spinning a wheel on a balance machine, for example, can help you detect whether it's bent, when it comes to correctly repairing a bend in an alloy wheel, a gauge is required to see where every bend is placed.
  • The bent wheel may be straightened out once it has been spun using a gauge and all of the bends have been noted. The bent wheel is hooked to the first wheel-straightening machine, which is further used to remove greater bends. Heat can then be given to the bent portion of the wheel once it is attached to the machine. The professionals normally heat the wheel to between 250 and 350 degrees, depending on the manufacturer and kind of alloy utilized. The curve is actually massaged out when the wheel is heated enough.

There is usually one more final straightening machine that will help the professionals with lateral bends in the wheel, or when there is a bent in the edge inwards or outwards. Using a blend of machine will allow you to choose half science, half art, which will allow you to straighten the alloy wheel with any kind of damage.

These are some of the simple steps that are important to acquire the desired result with wheel straightening NH. Fining a reliable service help is challenging, you can connect with KwickRims by visiting http://www.kwickrims.com  or call 603-571-7467 to speak to an expert.


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